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Service - hvem hadde du kjøpt av?

Service i vår tid er omdiskutert. Jeg vil påstå at dagens service ikke er slik den var da jeg var ung. Nå høres det ut som om jeg er eldgammel, men min ungdomstid er cirka 18 år tilbake i tid.

Jeg mener at service er vår tids ridderlighet. Å være serviceinnstilt i et service-yrke er noe som er en selvfølge, men dagens service opplever vi for lite av.

Å arbeide med service vil innebære at du er høflig, lærenem, selvgående, ydmyk, selvstendig og ikke minst serviceinnstilt! Å arbeide innenfor kontor- og administrasjon er ikke bare å trykke seg nøyaktig og effektivt gjennom oppgavene på PC-en som står foran deg, men det er også å være en god kollega, leverandør og kunde; vise at du ser mennesket bak jobben også.

Og jeg vil påstå at service selger - smiler du ekte, selger du mer - er du service-innstilt viser du at kunden kan stole på deg, og du vil oppleve en gjensidig tillit. Kanskje du til og med blir møtt med et smil tilbake?

Hvem av disse ville du kjøpt forsikringene av?


Service - Who would you buy from?

Service in our time is much discussed. I would say that today's service is not the way it used to be - it has changed since I was young. Now, it sounds like I'm quite old, but my youth is only about 18 years back in time.

I think that being service-minded is our times chivalry. Being service-minded in a profession that has focus on service, is something that goes without saying, but today's society lacks service.

Working with service will mean that you are polite, instructive, self-propelled, humble, independent and, not least, service-minded! Working within the office and administration profession is not only to write accurately and efficiently through your tasks on the PC that are in front of you, but its also about being a good colleague, supplier and customer; show that you see the person behind the job as well.

And I would say that service sells - If you smile for real, you will sell more. If you are service-minded, you show that the customer can trust you and you will experience mutual trust. Perhaps you even get a smile back?

Look at the pictures above. Who would you buy insurance from?

Just a thought..

Have a great Monday!

©Henriette Ravnevand | 2024

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